Unhealthy Habit Fix: #1

Kelsey Fish
3 min readJan 1, 2023

Turn off your “shoulda, coulda, woulda” syndrome and live your life.

Photo by Smart on Unsplash

Let’s face it. We all have the tendency to live in the past or through other people. Even the most successful people in the world have moments they wish they could redo, or times when they would love to be in someone else’s shoes.

We’re human, and we are not infallible.

Allowing yourself to constantly “shoulda coulda, woulda” yourself, is only deprecating and is sure to leave you feeling like total shit.

So how do we avoid it? How do we keep safe from this poisonous, damaging habit when our world is so interconnected and our past lurks around every Facebook memory?

Below are 4Tips to Turning Off the “Shoulda, Coulda, Woulda” Syndrome

  1. Get Off Social Media

Everyone and their brother talks about social media detoxes, and I used to think that they were pointless, mainly because I used social media for my business. But they have this awesome little thing called Facebook Suites, where you can get on and manage all your business, without ever looking at your regular feed.

I’m sure most of you know this already, but I find sometimes I automatically hit the main app rather than the Suites app. I suggest moving the main app to a separate folder or area, one that maybe you don’t use as often.

2. Small Steps

Breaking things down makes everything easier. There’s a reason they tell you to chew your food well so you don’t choke. Smaller, more manageable pieces means that you can take steps towards your goals without feeling overwhelmed.

The smallest of steps eventually add up. If you keep thinking to yourself that a goal is completely unreachable, attempt to break it down. Five minutes a day of exercise will lead to a healthier lifestyle. Two minutes of deep breathing will lead to a calmer, more controlled attitude.

3. Quit Referring to the Past

Have you found yourself saying things like “Well, when I tried before…” or “The last time I did that…”?

Don’t do this to yourself. Am I saying you shouldn’t learn from your mistakes? Absolutely not.

But when we constantly dwell on what didn’t work before, we are cutting ourself off from potential that otherwise we could have access to. Try focusing on what did work, instead.

Next time you find yourself about to say something similar, try revising it:

“This time, I will…” or “I am a different person now, with different goals and a new attitude, so…”

4. Action Over Thought

This is a big one for the over thinkers, the ponderers, those of us who have a knack for reading about how to fix all the worlds problems, but that’s the extent of it.

Action is the only way anything ever gets done.

Of course, you should probably think about the consequences of your actions before performing them, but taking extreme amounts of time to thin through and analyze every possible action and outcome is hindering you.

This list isn’t all-encompassing, nor do I claim that every tip will help you. What I will say, is that you even coming here to read this tells me you realize there is a problem, and you’re trying to solve it.

Use these tips as a starting point, or a booster to keep you going.

Remember you are not alone in these feelings, and that YOU can change this with the right mindset and attitude.



Kelsey Fish

No filter. No apologies. Lover of all things wordy.